# define the general layout
using fancy headers and footers, where the section and subsections
appear in the right # upper corner of the header on the right page and
the left upper corner on the left page in a double-sided #document. \fancyhf{} \fancyhead[LE]{\rightmark} \fancyhead[RO]{\leftmark} \fancyfoot[CEO]{\thepage}
#to change the headers when
chapters are not numbered (chapter*); means that the "chaptertitle"
appears on #either sider on each page \markboth{chaptertitle}{}
#to add the chapter* title to
the toc \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{References}
#to add the chapter* title to
the toc with preserving the numbering in the toc \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\protect\numberline{6}References}
#to add the section* title to the toc \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{whateverfancysectionname}
#to preserve the figure numbers for the consecutive papers without
having an overlap with previous figure #numbers, I adapted the figure
and table numbers to represent eacht paper; P1 for paper 1, P2 for
paper 2 etc. #Then each figure/table would have : P1.1, P1.2 etc.. or
P2.1, P2.2 etc.. #command added before the
title of each paper. Below is the command for paper 1 (P1) \renewcommand}{\thetable}{P1.\arabic{table}} \setcounter{table}{0}
\renewcommand}{\thefigure}{P1.\arabic{figure}} \setcounter{figure}{0}
#to begin a two-column
formatting of the text In the
preamble: \usepackage{multicol}
In ERT : \begin{multicols}{2} <text-becomes
two-colums (not visible in LyX itself)> \end{multicols}
#in case I wanted to start a figure on a new page and using the page
break did not work \vfill\newpage
#for other formatting: #better looks: extra vertical
space and horizontal lines to capture the abstract #added before the Abstract
started \vspace{6pt} \hrule \vspace{6pt}
#added after the Abstract started \vspace{6pt} \hrule
#to indicate "degrees in centigrade" => the small superscript circle In ERT: $^{\circ}$