Here's a little page about how I got Gromacs working

Gromacs is a program for the purpose of doing molecular dynamics:
The manual is quit extensive and everything is clearly explained. You can download it from

 I made in my Home/Programs/ a directory gromacs
Herein I downloaded the gromacs package; unpacked it..
This generated a new directory : gromacs3.1 (or whatever the version was)

Then I had to make sure the PATH was ok: in my case gromacs was in the

so I corrected my path is the .bashprofile :
export PATH=/usr/local/gromacs/i686-pc-linux-gnu/bin:${PATH}

Most of the information for beginners can be found in the "getting started" part
This is usually in the share/html directory

According to the instructions I started with converting pdb2gmx.
The PDB-file I used was 1TOH.pdb . However, after running this program, I didn't find all the files I had to find: (present), conf.gro (absent). So, I checked the console and it said :
" residue FE not found in the residue topology database "

Since "FE" is also known as "Iron", I figured it could have been due to this.  In my case it was present because it had been used for crystallization of the protein. Anyway, I therefore edited the pdb-file by removing the links to iron: see the 1TOH page, which solved the problem, generating the desired conf.gro file as well.

It is a good choice to first run some demos and examples before actually starting.. however,
For the impatient ones amongst you, there's a very nice website : Introduction to molecular modeling which should give you the basics on the program and help you run the simulations.